Daily Devo


As Unto The LORD

By: Mae Archila
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

"whatsoever ye do, work heartily, as unto the Lord, and not unto men...” Colossians 3:23 (ASV)

The phrase "whatever you do" should remind us that it doesn’t matter what kind of work we do, or how insignificant we think it is. Why? Because it's not about what we’re doing, it's about who we’re doing it for! “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms” 1 Peter 4:10

My life took a tremendous turn when our son became ill, so I couldn’t be as involved in church activities as I was before, I buried myself in my writing and journaling, but I kept asking the Lord how I could serve Him. Though I only had a limited amount of time to spend away from our bedridden son, I still wanted to serve God. During my season of searching, God used one person to continually ask if I was ready to start writing devotions for CCM. My love for writing had been confined to my daily journaling, but one day God expanded my borders. I signed up for a class at Church called S.H.A.P.E. where I read the Apostle Paul said, "giftedness should be expressed in love." God was about to show me how I could express my love for writing by trusting Him with my gift.

God gives us good gifts, but our gift back to Him is to use them to bring Him glory. God wants us to find pleasure in using our gifts, and He wants to be involved in the process as we glorify Him. God reminded that He is the source of all my gifts, and He never changes, even when my circumstances or season of life changes. “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17

The S.H.A.P.E. class helped me identify and embrace my gifts, and to surrender my passion for them to the Lord so He could use it for His higher purposes. Our spiritual gifts are open doors of opportunity, allowing us to fully live our lives for God. When we use our gifts for His purposes, it results in the accomplishment and advancement of God’s kingdom. A reporter once asked G.K. Chesterton this question, “If the risen Christ suddenly appeared at this very moment and stood behind you, what would you do?” Chesterton answered,He is.”

Christ follower, God is watching you work for Him because your work matters to Him! God sees your efforts, and He is rejoicing in them.

Read: Ephesians 6:7, 1 Corinthians 16:14

Scripture references from NIV unless otherwise noted.