Daily Devo

Now We Know Better

By: John Carrigan
Friday, May 10, 2024

For everything that was written in the past was written for our instruction, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures, we might have hope. Romans 15:4

Christ Followers aren’t smarter than everyone else, but we do know someone who is, Jesus! At our church, we just finished going through the book of Daniel. It is an important book of end times prophecy, but it is also extremely relevant to our current time. Jesus quoted Daniel 3:6, 5:13, 9:27, and 11:31 when He spoke about the judgment of the unredeemed, signs that will appear before He returns, and about the coming of the final Antichrist. He also told us what to do in response to these events, because God's Word lays out His plan for all creation, and the instructions come from our creator!

Recently, my workplace, (Patrick Space Force Base) has been participating in a hurricane preparation exercise, and it's a drill that takes place over several days. It started with a notice of a potential storm, then we worked through checklists that covered a lot of action items. We began with proper preparation, moved to the storm hitting our area, then covered everything up until the recovery phase. We have at least one of these exercises a year, but because we're in Florida, we usually have a few real storms to test our processes. Practice doesn’t make perfect, but it does help us refine our plans and sharpen our skills. Our training is designed to prepare us (as best it can) for a severe storm and the aftermath of nature's fury.

How much more should we consider and prepare for what is to come, the end times described in scripture. Even though our Church believes in a pre-tribulation rapture, it’s still wise to prepare for what is to come. It may be an oversimplification, but preparing for the end-times is like preparing for a hurricane category seven! But if you are a Christ follower, Jesus has already done the preparation for you, and God has given you preparation instructions in the scriptures. God's Word, God's promises, and God's plans give us supernatural security, and our eternal safety was purchased with the blood of the Lamb!

Newcomers to Florida often panic at the slightest mention of a big hurricane... But once we’ve been through a storm or two, we know not to panic, we know it's a sign to start getting ready. When we know Jesus and we know God's promises, hurricanes and end times shouldn't scare us. Why? Because we have Christ on our side!

Christ follower, don't be afraid of the future because Jesus is here for you now!

Scripture references from NIV unless otherwise noted.

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