Daily Devo

Worth the Wait

By: Kelly Russell
Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him… Psalm 37:7

We don’t wait well. What is it about waiting that we dislike so much? I’ve learned that getting there quicker or finishing sooner doesn’t equate to a “better” outcome. Many times, a lack of patience leads to an increase of anxiety. The idea of waiting often stirs up a negative attitude. Waiting means we’re not in control. I continue to learn that the best form of control is surrender. Our de-ficiency that strengthens our de-pendency on God. Instead of viewing waiting as an obstacle, receive it as an opportunity to be still before the Lord. Waiting allows you to rest in and rely on the God who is the Source of all things.

We don’t want to get things out of order. If we move when God says wait, or wait when God says move, we often miss the lesson and the blessing. Time is relative. What we count as minutes God considers eternal. Waiting requires faith. We also need to be wise about what we want. Receiving the wrong thing is not a good thing. What benefit is it to you, if you gain what you want but lose sight of God in the process? Jesus said that where your treasure there your heart will be. Many things can satisfy the flesh, but only God can satisfy your soul. Waiting is an act of worship.

So, how do we know when to wait and when to act? Perhaps you feel stuck or lost or confused at the moment. Maybe you have been praying and not seeing a change. This is your call to action—to trust the Lord. The Apostle Paul learned to be content in abundance and in need. No matter the circumstances he learned to be satisfied with what, when, and how God supplied. Waiting may not be our preferred track, but God uses it as preparation time. In every breakup, shake-up, hang up, hold up, or fold up, God was working. He wants us to look up and cheer up, knowing that He withholds no good thing from those who trust Him. God is for you!

What if…God allows the waiting to change your perspective…

  1. Your perspective changes your desires…
  2. Your desires change your position…
  3. Your position changes your circumstances…
  4. Your circumstances change you!

That’s what God is after. You are worth the wait to Him! We can spend a lifetime grasping for the wind profiting nothing. Or we can wait patiently for the Lord to act in His perfect way and timing. Be assured that whatever He does is always worth the wait.

Read: Ecclesiastes 2:1-12, Isaiah 55:8-10, Matthew 6:21, Philippians 2:10-12

Scripture references from NIV unless otherwise noted.

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