Calvary Young Adults
Thursdays at 7pm
The Harbor is a place for young adults, 18-30ish years old to learn about relevant topics and practical application of the Bible through weekly services, discipleship groups, and community groups. The weekly services include worship, a message, prayer, and fellowship time.
Everyone is welcome at the Harbor. From the coffee bar before service to hangouts after service, there's always someone to chat with. If you're new, stop by the Connect Bar after service. Our volunteers will introduce you to community leaders and let you know about upcoming events. The Harbor hosts regular events in addition to the weekly service - these range from food trucks to extended prayer time, to serving opportunities.
The Harbor is a place where young adults seek to become more like Jesus by learning about Him and doing what He did. If you're interested in pursuing Jesus with other young adults, come check us out!
Join a Serve Team
One of our core values is to Join a Serve Team. We have a number of ways you can serve within The Harbor to help create a welcoming environment for all those who attend.
- Production Team
- Greeter
- Coffee Bar
- Connect Bar
- Set-Up/Tear-Down
- Pop-up opportunities (in other areas of the church and community)

Connect with Community
We love gathering together as one community, but we also know the importance of building relationships with one another and meeting in an environment where you can pray for one another and connect with the community, which is why we have groups specifically for our young adult community.
- Guys Community Group (Spring and Fall)
- Ladies Community Group (Spring and Fall)
- All Welcome Community Groups (Spring and Fall)
- All Welcome Bible Studies (Summer)
- Discipleship Groups (Spring and Fall)