Support the relief efforts in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and the Carolinas due to the effects of Hurricane Helene by donating to our Disaster Relief Fund. Disaster Relief Fund

Our God is generous and has called us to be generous too. When we're generous, our faith grows. and our trust in God as our Provider deepens. When you choose to invest your resources in the ministry of Calvary Chapel by financially giving to the work of the Lord, your support helps Calvary Chapel ministries work to expand God's Kingdom as we continue to carry out Jesus' mission to seek and save the lost.

"One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts." Psalm 145:4

We believe that one of our greatest privileges is to pass on our faith in Jesus from generation to generation and, in so doing, glorify our God. One day, we will stand in Heaven and see the fruit of this vision with a multitude gathered from every language, tribe, people, and nation, praising God our Father forever and ever. Here at Calvary Chapel, we believe that God has directed us to fulfill this Generation-to-Generation giving in six unique ways.


Acts 1:8 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

We believe that Jesus has given His disciples and His church the awesome responsibility of reaching the lost through missions. Missions is intentionally taking the Gospel from one place to another. Acts tells us that Missions begins at home, locally in our own city. It extends regionally and domestically, eventually making its way to the ends of the earth. This requires both people who will go and resources who will send. Will you partner with us in sending more missionaries on mission for the glory of God?


Legacy Giving

Proverbs 13:22 NLT “Good people leave an inheritance to their grandchildren.”

The Biblical principal to follow here is to steward the resources God has entrusted to us in such a way that there is something left after we’re gone for grandchildren. That’s generation-to-generation generosity! Billy Graham once said, “You’ll never see a U-Haul following a hearse.” He’s right! When we’re gone, we don’t take anything with us, but we have an opportunity to pass on the faith through the resources God has provided us while we were here. Legacy giving is just that, it is intentionally directing your resources to have maximum Kingdom impact once you go to heaven.

Think of it like this, your God-given resources have the potential to impact and influence a generation of people that you will never meet who will live in a day and age that you will never see. The joy that we have in legacy giving, is found in Revelation 7:9-11, the great multitude of people who came to know Christ from generation-to-generation.

When you leave a legacy gift, you are sending a gospel arrow from the present into the future, only God knows where that arrow will land and our God, well He never misses.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss legacy giving, please contact our Minister of Generosity, Bill Norris.

Campus Expansion Fund

Matthew 18:12 “…and look for the one...”

Jesus left the ninety-nine in safe pasture to go and look for the one who was lost and bring him back. That means that there was room for one more in safe pasture. We believe that the church should always have room for one more. That is vision of the campus expansion fund, that our facilities will be such that there will always be room for one more. Through the campus expansion fund we resource special projects that help accomplish that vision. From upgrades to existing infrastructure to saving for future expansion, we believe that there’s room for one more.

Will you partner with us in ensuring room for one more from generation-to-generation?

Church Planting

Acts 16:9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night: a man of Macedonia was standing there, urging him and saying, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.”

Church planting matters because the church is God’s intended vehicle to advance the Gospel and grow believers into healthy and mature disciples of Jesus. According to the North American Mission Board on Church Planting, new church plants are the most effective means to reach the hardest to reach, the “de-churched.” That is those who have gone to church, did the church “thing”, got hurt by the church and ultimately left the church. New plants spark new hope the hurt and the lost.

Our vision at Calvary Chapel is to plant one church per year! This vision requires people to go and people to support those who go and plant churches. Will you join us, as we join Jesus in what He is doing in the world today though His church?

Calvary Chapel Academy

Matthew 28:19a “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations,…”

Before we can make disciples of all nations, we have to first make disciples in this nation. Disciples made here, will eventually go and make disciples there. We are blessed at Calvary Chapel Academy to have over 900 students. These are 900+ disciples of Jesus who will make disciples of Jesus here and there!

Calvary Chapel Academy is more than an academically excellent school, it’s much more. We believe that God has entrusted us with Calvary Chapel Academy to be the greatest and most effective discipleship training school possible. Our goal is to make disciples who make disciples and receive an excellent Christ-centered education.

When you partner with Generation-to-Generation through CCA, you are investing in the most influential generation of future disciple makers and you gift will help to fulfill the great commission because our students won’t all stay, many will go. They will go to universities around the country, they will get jobs in other states, they will travel the world and live abroad and no matter where they go, they go with their feet fitted with the Gospel as disciples of Jesus who make disciples of Jesus.

Greater Things

John 14:12 “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these…”

We believe Jesus. We believe that when He says we do even greater things, He means it. We want to faithfully do those greater things He said we would do. That requires both radical faith and financial freedom.

Let’s face it, not all debt is bad. Debt, or in this case taking out a loan helps leverage existing resources to maximum potential. We believe that debt, such as loan debt, is a means through which we are able to leverage maximum resources and, by God’s grace we have. We also believe that all debt is temporary. That simply means while it is not necessarily bad, it isn’t also God’s best. We believe that scripture makes it clear that God’s best is to live debt free. Living debt free fully enables a person, or the church, to operate in a freedom that is unparalleled to anything else.

Here at Calvary Chapel, we see a debt free future, a future where loan payments are no longer being made to a bank, but rather redirected and invested into Kingdom efforts. Imagine what you could do if you were 100% debt free? Now, imagine what the church could do? We want to accelerate our debt reduction to maximize our Kingdom impact.

Additional Ways to Give

Have you considered giving Highly Appreciated Assets, like stock or real estate? Creating a Donor Advised Funds (DAF)? Or Qualified Charitable Distributions from your IRA? Depending on your circumstances, there may be some extra advantages for you when giving through one of these techniques.